

Crackle and pop sing the gravel under the car wheels as we pull out of the parking lot. Crow who greeted me on arrival now sends us on our way. Don spent time exploring New Mexico and Colorado. I led a five-day retreat here at Mabel Dodge Luhan House in Taos, New Mexico. For nearly a decade I have made the trek to Mabel’s along with a dozen or so daring women.


Apricot-colored adobe walls of this ancient structure fade from view as we drive towards Highway 68. We will wind along the Rio Grande River towards Santa Fe. There we will take a night of rest before we head back to Chicago. Yes, the view of this mystical property soon disappears. Heartfelt work I shared with the women stays with me.


Deepening work was assisted by knowing that this is my last retreat at Mabel’s. Endings can often bring depth to a process. It certainly did this time. Profound openings occurred aided by women sharing their truth. We also used spiritual rituals along with writing prompts. All of this carried us over the threshold between “what was” into “what is unfolding.”


This following writing prompt took us on an intense inner journey. “When do you know you’ve had enough?”


Enough of this…


  • Relationship
  • Food
  • Current situation
  • Project
  • Job
  • Location

Asking yourselves that question can lead to deepening self-awareness. Maybe there is something trying to be born through you. Something that will not be present unless you step away from what you already know?


That very inquiry was the basis of me choosing to end retreats at Mabel’s.


Things do not have to be awful to end them. I have relished my time giving this retreat. It has been hard work and meaningful work. I have participated and witnessed amazing growth in the attending women.  In the process, I have gained more confidence in my skill as a facilitator.


Now I feel complete.


It is a lovely feeling.


Sometimes things end, and we are not finished. Feelings of sadness and grief arise within us. However, when we know we have had enough, it is OK to move on. This is an important lesson of this journey. Too often we hang around until we are unhappy. Then unhappiness or stress is what fuels our leaving.


What if feeling complete was enough motivation to leave?


Wouldn’t leaving feel more satisfying?


There’s so much magic that happens during these retreats. Strong mountain energy, ancient earth memories and female longing fuel our work. Of course, Mabel’s ever-present spirit holds us like a special spiritual glue. This is true even though decades have passed since her physical presence was nearby.


Here is my question for you. How do you know when you have had enough? Is it a body sensation? Do you hear a whisper telling you it is time to move on? Are you feeling full and complete? Maybe it is a sign that appears or a quote that you read. Something awakes. Someplace inside of you knows. “I’ve had enough.” We each have signals, inklings, and longings.


Well, how do you know when you have had enough?



Photo Credit: Don Hill