
Birds and Nests are my new obsession. “The Invention of Wings” by Sue Monk Kidd, “When Women Were Birds” by Terry Tempest Williams, “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tratt, “Imperfect Birds” and “Bird by Bird” by Annie Lamont are just some titles that now populate my bookshelves.  My Journals increasingly include observations and quotes about our feathered […]

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Seeing Clearly

Snowy branches greet us through every window. Don looks out and says, “It’s a Colorado morning.”  I agree. Snowfalls would often continue for hours there. Our response? We would hunker down and enjoy it. That is just what we are doing. Yummy aromas fill the house as a pot of homemade soup simmers in the

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Walking Through

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Red, yellow and orange leaves crackle under my feet like giant cornflakes. Colors dance and delight me on this early morning fall walk. A concrete Foo Dog sits among leaves and grasses. Usually spotted in pairs, its partner is nowhere to be seen. Two Foo Dogs guard the entrance at the Temple

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Being Friends

Party invitations are usually a welcome piece of mail.  One September afternoon, in 1978 a Halloween party invite was cause for concern.  Sue, my dear friend, is not speaking to me.  Her response to a heated argument is silence.  Days and weeks pass and she does not respond to my calls or cards.   The party,

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Letting Go

Birds emerge out of splashes of color. They are my assignment in Carla Sonheim’s online art class Blobimals. First, we splatter a large sheet of paper with two different colors of paint. Then, we turn the page this way and that as we search for images. Squiggly lines become birds, a bunny and then a

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Dropping In

Disarray makes it difficult for me to create. So, I keep my studio clear of clutter. Well, most of the time. Its current condition is a sign of how busy my life has been.  The book launch, two groups in Paris, book talks, signings and a retreat in Saugatuck all happened within two months, along with

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Daring More

For months I have worked to read at the iconic Parisian bookshop, Shakespeare and Company. My publisher and my media person, Keith Kelly, have also contacted them to no avail. So tonight, a band of participants from my program Unfolding in Paris: a writing, spiritual exploration and tour of the city of lights will occupy

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Looking Good

Shells, sea grass, fragments of sponge and marine life, this collection of the ocean’s bounty must be a tribute to mermaids.  I had to snap a photo.  But it was more than my whimsical imagination that compelled me to take the picture.   This arrangement has soul. It speaks to me in a way I am not

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“People who have a hard time receiving choose partners who have difficulty giving.” When these words meet my ear, I stop in my tracks. I am only partially listening to the TV as I wash dishes. Christiane Northrup, leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, startles me with her observation. This makes

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