Have you ever declared; I need to slow down? "Unfolding," is an excellent way to discover what is hidden under your busy days. Chapters explore using your powerful voice to claim who you truly are.
"Showing Up" is a documentary that explores living a life of purpose, passion and joy. I wrote and produced the film. It combines the wisdom of experts with stories of everyday people who face their fear and keep going. Discover what showing up means for you.
If you want to hear your heart’s longings, let go of things that distract you. My programs, whether for hours or days, let you step away from chatter and discover meaning.
To arrive at your idealized future, first connect to present moment awareness.
Women Writing to Unfold is an annual event at the magical Mable Dodge Luhan House in Taos, New Mexico.
Women's Circles are a safe and sacred space to cultivate a strong spine, open eyes and a kind heart.
Daring to push past what we think is safe or acceptable brings aliveness to our days. It brings challenges! Each month this blog offers explorations into what is possible. It asks you to discover your daring edge. It is found where comfort meets possibility.
A bold life requires we connect with the deepest places at our core and attend to them with reverence. It takes courage to trust our longings and act on them. That is how we find our growing edge.